saji 2011ece21d
All checks were successful
cargo_test_bench / Run Tests (push) Successful in 1m28s
cargo_test_bench / Run Benchmarks (push) Successful in 2m18s
add toml; move eink-specific palettes to separate file
2024-07-31 20:20:22 -05:00

194 lines
5.7 KiB

use crate::display::EInkPanel;
use crate::dither::{DitherMethod, DitheredImage};
use crate::eink::Palette;
use axum::async_trait;
use axum::extract::{FromRequest, Multipart, State};
use axum::http::{header, StatusCode};
use axum::response::IntoResponse;
use axum::{response::Response, routing::post, Router};
use image::{ImageReader, RgbImage};
use std::io::Cursor;
use std::str;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::sync::mpsc::{self, Receiver, Sender};
use tokio::task::JoinHandle;
use tracing::{error, info, instrument};
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
pub enum ApiError {
#[error("missing image field")]
pub struct AppState {
display_channel: Sender<DisplaySetCommand>,
display_task: Arc<JoinHandle<()>>,
impl AppState {
pub fn new(disp: Box<dyn EInkPanel + Send>) -> Self {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(2);
let task = tokio::spawn(display_task(rx, disp));
Self {
display_channel: tx,
display_task: Arc::new(task),
// Make our own error that wraps `anyhow::Error`.
struct AppError(anyhow::Error);
// Tell axum how to convert `AppError` into a response.
impl IntoResponse for AppError {
fn into_response(self) -> Response {
format!("Something went wrong: {}", self.0),
// This enables using `?` on functions that return `Result<_, anyhow::Error>` to turn them into
// `Result<_, AppError>`. That way you don't need to do that manually.
impl<E> From<E> for AppError
E: Into<anyhow::Error>,
fn from(err: E) -> Self {
pub struct DisplaySetCommand {
img: Box<DitheredImage>,
pub async fn display_task(
mut rx: Receiver<DisplaySetCommand>,
mut display: Box<dyn EInkPanel + Send>,
) {
while let Some(cmd) = rx.recv().await {
info!("Got a display set command");
if let Err(e) = display.display(&cmd.img) {
error!("Error displaying command {e}");
info!("Done setting display");
/// API routes for axum
/// Start with the basics: Send an image, crop it, dither, and upload.
/// we defer the upload to a separate task.
pub fn router() -> Router<AppState> {
.route("/setimage", post(set_image))
.route("/preview", post(preview_image))
struct ImageRequest {
image: Box<RgbImage>,
dither_method: DitherMethod,
palette: Palette,
impl<S> FromRequest<S> for ImageRequest
S: Send + Sync,
type Rejection = AppError;
async fn from_request(req: axum::extract::Request, state: &S) -> Result<Self, Self::Rejection> {
let mut parts = Multipart::from_request(req, state).await?;
let mut img = None;
let mut palette = None;
let mut dither_method = None;
while let Some(field) = parts.next_field().await? {
match field.name() {
Some("image") => {
let data = field.bytes().await?;
let reader = ImageReader::new(Cursor::new(data))
.expect("cursor never fails");
let image = reader.decode()?;
img = Some(Box::new(image.into()));
Some("palette") => {
let data = field.bytes().await?;
let val = str::from_utf8(&data)?;
palette = Some(Palette::from_str(val)?);
Some("dither_method") => {
let data = field.bytes().await?;
let val = str::from_utf8(&data)?;
dither_method = Some(DitherMethod::from_str(val)?);
_ => {}
|| Err(ApiError::MissingImage.into()),
|i| {
Ok(Self {
image: i,
dither_method: dither_method.unwrap_or(DitherMethod::NearestNeighbor),
palette: palette.unwrap_or(Palette::Default),
async fn set_image(
State(ctx): State<AppState>,
img_req: ImageRequest,
) -> Result<impl IntoResponse, AppError> {
// FIXME: resize image to 800x480 to match the eink panel.
let mut buf = DitheredImage::new(
let mut dither = img_req.dither_method.get_ditherer();
dither.dither(&img_req.image, &mut buf);
let cmd = DisplaySetCommand { img: Box::new(buf) };
.send_timeout(cmd, Duration::from_secs(10))
/// generates a dithered image based on the given image and the dithering parameters.
/// Can be used to see how the dithering and palette choices affect the result.
async fn preview_image(img_req: ImageRequest) -> Result<impl IntoResponse, AppError> {
let mut buf = DitheredImage::new(
let mut dither = img_req.dither_method.get_ditherer();
dither.dither(&img_req.image, &mut buf);
// Convert buf into a png image.
let img = buf.into_rgbimage();
let mut buffer = Cursor::new(Vec::new());
img.write_to(&mut buffer, image::ImageFormat::Png)?;
let headers = [(header::CONTENT_TYPE, mime::IMAGE_PNG.to_string())];
Ok((StatusCode::OK, headers, buffer.into_inner()))