remove old groovylight code
Some checks failed
Verilator Unit Tests / Test (push) Failing after 3m31s

This commit is contained in:
saji 2024-08-21 16:22:16 -05:00
parent 83bb38ba6d
commit 1ccc0b3d39
4 changed files with 1 additions and 352 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ dmypy.json
# Cython debug symbols # Cython debug symbols
cython_debug/ cython_debug/
# PyCharm # PyCharm
# JetBrains specific template is maintained in a separate JetBrains.gitignore that can # JetBrains specific template is maintained in a separate JetBrains.gitignore that can
# be found at # be found at

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@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
# r0 g0 b0 gnd r1 g1 b1 e a b c d clk stb oe gnd
from import Signal, Subsignal, Pins
from import FSM, Module, Cat, Replicate
from litex.gen import ClockSignal, If, Instance, NextState, NextValue
def make_hub75_iodevice(index, basename):
b = basename
signals = ("hub75_iodev", index,
Subsignal("r0", Pins(f"{b}:0")),
Subsignal("g0", Pins(f"{b}:1")),
Subsignal("b0", Pins(f"{b}:2")),
Subsignal("r1", Pins(f"{b}:4")),
Subsignal("g1", Pins(f"{b}:5")),
Subsignal("b1", Pins(f"{b}:6")),
Subsignal("addr", Pins(f"{b}:8 {b}:9 {b}:10 {b}:11 {b}:7")),
Subsignal("clk", Pins(f"{b}:12")),
Subsignal("stb", Pins(f"{b}:13")),
Subsignal("oe", Pins(f"{b}:14")),
return [signals]
class Hub75Driver(Module):
def __init__(self, base_freq=60e6, linedepth=128):
if base_freq // 2 > 30e6:
raise RuntimeError("hi")
self.addr = Signal(5)
self.latch = Signal()
self.output_en = Signal()
color = Signal(24, reset=0xA0FF00)
self.rgb = Signal(6)
self.clock_out = Signal()
self.fsm = fsm = FSM()
self.submodules += self.fsm
bcm_value = Signal(3)
counter = Signal(32)
should_expose = (counter < (16 << bcm_value)) & (bcm_value != 0)
# this state both sets the OE low to drive the display with the previous frame
# while also loading the next row
# FIXME: there's a bug on the starting conditions right now, we are losing the lowest bit.
self.rgb[0].eq((color >> bcm_value) & 1),
self.rgb[3].eq((color >> bcm_value) & 1),
self.rgb[1].eq((color >> (bcm_value + 8)) & 1),
self.rgb[4].eq((color >> (bcm_value + 8)) & 1),
self.rgb[2].eq((color >> (bcm_value + 16)) & 1),
self.rgb[5].eq((color >> (bcm_value + 16)) & 1),
NextValue(counter, counter + 1),
If(counter < linedepth * 2,
If(~(counter < linedepth * 2) & ~should_expose,
NextValue(counter, 0),
If(counter < (16 << bcm_value),
NextValue(counter, counter + 1),
NextValue(counter, 0),
NextValue(counter, 0),
If(bcm_value == 7,
NextValue(bcm_value, 0),
NextValue(self.addr, self.addr + 1),
NextValue(bcm_value, bcm_value + 1),
class Hub75VerilogDriver(Module):
def __init__(self):
self.o_addr = Signal(5)
self.o_display_clk = Signal()
self.o_latch = Signal()
self.o_out_enable = Signal()
self.o_panel_rgb0 = Signal(3)
self.o_panel_rgb1 = Signal(3)
inst = Instance("coordinator",
i_clk = ClockSignal(),
o_panel_rgb0 = self.o_panel_rgb0,
o_panel_rgb1 = self.o_panel_rgb1,
o_latch = self.o_latch,
o_display_clk = self.o_display_clk,
o_out_enable = self.o_out_enable,
o_display_addr = self.o_addr,
self.specials += inst

View file

@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
# Board definition file for the Colorlight 5A-75B.
# Mostly copied from the litex-boards repo, but we didn't pull that in
from import Pins, IOStandard, Subsignal, Misc
from import LatticeECP5Platform
from import OpenFPGALoader
from litex.gen import LiteXModule, ClockDomain, ClockSignal
from import DDROutput
from litex.soc.cores.clock import ECP5PLL
_io = [
# Clk
("clk25", 0, Pins("P6"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
# Led
("user_led_n", 0, Pins("T6"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
# Button
("user_btn_n", 0, Pins("R7"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
# serial
("serial", 0,
Subsignal("tx", Pins("T6")), # led (J19 DATA_LED-)
Subsignal("rx", Pins("R7")), # btn (J19 KEY+)
# SDR SDRAM (M12L64322A)
("sdram_clock", 0, Pins("C8"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
("sdram", 0,
Subsignal("a", Pins(
"A9 B9 B10 C10 D9 C9 E9 D8",
"E8 C7 B8")),
Subsignal("dq", Pins(
"B2 A2 C3 A3 B3 A4 B4 A5",
"E7 C6 D7 D6 E6 D5 C5 E5",
"A11 B11 B12 A13 B13 A14 B14 D14",
"D13 E11 C13 D11 C12 E10 C11 D10")),
Subsignal("we_n", Pins("B5")),
Subsignal("ras_n", Pins("B6")),
Subsignal("cas_n", Pins("A6")),
#Subsignal("cs_n", Pins("")), # gnd
#Subsignal("cke", Pins("")), # 3v3
Subsignal("ba", Pins("B7 A8")),
#Subsignal("dm", Pins("")), # gnd
# RGMII Ethernet (RTL8211FD)
("eth_clocks", 0,
Subsignal("tx", Pins("L1")),
Subsignal("rx", Pins("J1")),
("eth", 0,
#Subsignal("rst_n", Pins("R6")),
Subsignal("mdio", Pins("T4")),
Subsignal("mdc", Pins("R5")),
Subsignal("rx_ctl", Pins("J2")),
Subsignal("rx_data", Pins("K2 J3 K1 K3")),
Subsignal("tx_ctl", Pins("L2")),
Subsignal("tx_data", Pins("M2 M1 P1 R1")),
("eth_clocks", 1,
Subsignal("tx", Pins("J16")),
Subsignal("rx", Pins("M16")),
("eth", 1,
#Subsignal("rst_n", Pins("R6")),
Subsignal("mdio", Pins("T4")),
Subsignal("mdc", Pins("R5")),
Subsignal("rx_ctl", Pins("P16")),
Subsignal("rx_data", Pins("M15 R16 L15 L16")),
Subsignal("tx_ctl", Pins("K14")),
Subsignal("tx_data", Pins("K16 J15 J14 K15")),
_connectors = [
("j1", "C4 D4 E4 - D3 F5 E3 N4 N5 N3 P3 P4 M3 N1 M4 -"),
("j2", "F1 F2 G2 - G1 H2 H3 N4 N5 N3 P3 P4 M3 N1 M4 -"),
("j3", "B1 C2 C1 - D1 E2 E1 N4 N5 N3 P3 P4 M3 N1 M4 -"),
("j4", "P5 R3 P2 - R2 T2 N6 N4 N5 N3 P3 P4 M3 N1 M4 -"),
("j5", "T13 R12 R13 - R14 T14 P12 N4 N5 N3 P3 P4 M3 N1 M4 -"),
("j6", "R15 T15 P13 - P14 N14 H15 N4 N5 N3 P3 P4 M3 N1 M4 -"),
("j7", "G16 H14 G15 - F15 F16 E16 N4 N5 N3 P3 P4 M3 N1 M4 -"),
("j8", "D16 E15 C16 - B16 C15 B15 N4 N5 N3 P3 P4 M3 N1 M4 -"),
class _CRG(LiteXModule):
def __init__(self, platform, sys_clk_freq, with_reset = False):
self.cd_sys = ClockDomain("sys")
# self.cd_hub = ClockDomain("hub")
self.cd_sys_ps = ClockDomain("sys_ps")
# self.cd_sys2x = ClockDomain()
# self.cd_sys2x_ps = ClockDomain()
# Clk / Rst.
clk25 = platform.request("clk25")
# PLL.
self.pll = pll = ECP5PLL()
rst_n = platform.request("user_btn_n", 0) if with_reset else 1
self.comb += pll.reset.eq(~rst_n)
pll.register_clkin(clk25, 25e6)
pll.create_clkout(self.cd_sys, sys_clk_freq)
# for the sdram
pll.create_clkout(self.cd_sys_ps, sys_clk_freq, phase=180)
# pll.create_clkout(self.cd_sys2x, 2*sys_clk_freq)
# pll.create_clkout(self.cd_sys2x_ps, 2*sys_clk_freq, phase=180)
# sdram_clk = ClockSignal("sys2x_ps")
sdram_clk = ClockSignal("sys_ps")
self.specials += DDROutput(1,0, platform.request("sdram_clock"), sdram_clk)
class Groovy1Platform(LatticeECP5Platform):
default_clk_name = "clk25"
default_clk_period = 1e9/25e6
def __init__(self, toolchain='trellis', **kwargs):
self.device = "LFE5U-25F-8BG256C"
LatticeECP5Platform.__init__(self, self.device, _io, connectors=_connectors, toolchain=toolchain, **kwargs)
def create_programmer(self):
return OpenFPGALoader(cable="cmsisdap")
def get_crg(self, sys_clk_freq) -> _CRG:
crg = _CRG(self, sys_clk_freq)
return crg
def do_finalize(self, fragment, *args, **kwargs):
LatticeECP5Platform.do_finalize(self, fragment, *args, **kwargs)
self.add_period_constraint(self.lookup_request("clk25", loose=True), 1e9/25e6)
self.add_period_constraint(self.lookup_request("eth_clocks:rx", 0, loose=True), 1e9/125e6)
self.add_period_constraint(self.lookup_request("eth_clocks:rx", 1, loose=True), 1e9/125e6)

View file

@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
from migen import *
from litex.gen import LiteXModule, ClockDomain, ClockSignal
from litex.soc.cores.cpu import vexriscv
from litex.soc.integration.soc_core import SoCCore
from litex.soc.integration.builder import Builder, builder_argdict, builder_args
from litex.soc.integration.soc_core import soc_core_argdict, soc_core_args
from import trellis_argdict, trellis_args
from litedram.modules import M12L64322A
from litedram.phy import GENSDRPHY, HalfRateGENSDRPHY
from liteeth.phy.ecp5rgmii import LiteEthPHYRGMII
from platform.colorlight_5a_75b_8_0 import Groovy1Platform
from hub75 import Hub75Driver, make_hub75_iodevice, Hub75VerilogDriver
class GroovySoC(SoCCore):
def __init__(self, platform, sys_clk_freq,
use_spi = False,
SoCCore.__init__(self, platform, sys_clk_freq, ident="LiteX SoC for GroovyLight", **kwargs)
self.crg = platform.get_crg(sys_clk_freq)
self.submodules += self.crg
# if not self.integrated_main_ram_size:
# self.sdrphy = GENSDRPHY(platform.request("sdram"), sys_clk_freq)
# self.add_sdram("sdram",
# phy = self.sdrphy,
# module = M12L64322A(sys_clk_freq, "1:1"),
# l2_cache_size = kwargs.get("l2_size", 8192),
# )
# self.submodules.ethphy = LiteEthPHYRGMII(
# clock_pads= self.platform.request("eth_clocks", 0),
# pads = self.platform.request("eth", 0),
# tx_delay = 0e-9, # not sure what this is
# )
# self.add_csr("ethphy")
# # self.add_etherbone(phy=self.ethphy, ip_address="", mac_address = 0x10e2d5000001, data_width=32)
# if use_spi:
# from litespi.modules import W25Q32JV as SpiFlashModule
# from litespi.opcodes import SpiNorFlashOpCodes
# self.mem_map["spiflash"] = 0x20000000
# mod = SpiFlashModule(SpiNorFlashOpCodes.READ_1_1_1)
# self.add_spi_flash(mode="1x", module=SpiFlashModule, with_master=False)
self.platform.add_extension(make_hub75_iodevice(0, "j8"))
hub_io = self.platform.request("hub75_iodev", 0)
self.submodules.hub75 = hub75 = Hub75VerilogDriver()
self.comb += [
platform.add_sources("./verilog/", "", "", "", "lineram.v", "")
import argparse
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Groovylight builder")
builder_arggroup = parser.add_argument_group("builder options")
soc_arggroup = parser.add_argument_group('SoC core options')
soc_arggroup.add_argument("--with-spiflash", action="store_true", help="Use built in SPI flash")
trellis_args(parser.add_argument_group('Trellis options'))
args = parser.parse_args()
platform = Groovy1Platform()
soc = GroovySoC(platform, 120e6, **soc_core_argdict(args))
builder = Builder(soc, **builder_argdict(args))
if __name__ == "__main__":