
354 lines
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package gotelem
// this file implements the database functions to load/store/read from a sql database.
import (
_ ""
type TelemDb struct {
db *sqlx.DB
// TelemDbOption lets you customize the behavior of the sqlite database
type TelemDbOption func(*TelemDb) error
// this function is internal use. It actually opens the database, but uses
// a raw path string instead of formatting one like the exported functions.
func OpenRawDb(rawpath string, options ...TelemDbOption) (tdb *TelemDb, err error) {
tdb = &TelemDb{}
tdb.db, err = sqlx.Connect("sqlite3", rawpath)
if err != nil {
for _, fn := range options {
err = fn(tdb)
if err != nil {
// perform any database migrations
version, err := tdb.GetVersion()
if err != nil {
// TODO: use logging instead of printf
fmt.Printf("starting version %d\n", version)
version, err = RunMigrations(tdb)
fmt.Printf("ending version %d\n", version)
return tdb, err
// this string is used to open the read-write db.
// the extra options improve performance significantly.
const ProductionDbURI = "file:%s?_journal_mode=wal&mode=rwc&_txlock=immediate&_timeout=10000"
// OpenTelemDb opens a new telemetry database at the given path.
func OpenTelemDb(path string, options ...TelemDbOption) (*TelemDb, error) {
dbStr := fmt.Sprintf(ProductionDbURI, path)
return OpenRawDb(dbStr, options...)
func (tdb *TelemDb) GetVersion() (int, error) {
var version int
err := tdb.db.Get(&version, "PRAGMA user_version")
return version, err
func (tdb *TelemDb) SetVersion(version int) error {
stmt := fmt.Sprintf("PRAGMA user_version = %d", version)
_, err := tdb.db.Exec(stmt)
return err
// sql expression to insert a bus event into the packets database.1
const sqlInsertEvent = `INSERT INTO "bus_events" (ts, name, data) VALUES `
// AddEvent adds the bus event to the database.
func (tdb *TelemDb) AddEventsCtx(ctx context.Context, events ...skylab.BusEvent) (n int64, err error) {
// edge case - zero events.
if len(events) == 0 {
return 0, nil
n = 0
tx, err := tdb.db.BeginTx(ctx, nil)
defer tx.Rollback()
if err != nil {
sqlStmt := sqlInsertEvent
const rowSql = "(?, ?, json(?))"
inserts := make([]string, len(events))
vals := []interface{}{}
idx := 0 // we have to manually increment, because sometimes we don't insert.
for _, b := range events {
inserts[idx] = rowSql
var j []byte
j, err = json.Marshal(b.Data)
if err != nil {
// we had some error turning the packet into json.
continue // we silently skip.
vals = append(vals, b.Timestamp.UnixMilli(), b.Data.String(), j)
// construct the full statement now
sqlStmt = sqlStmt + strings.Join(inserts[:idx], ",")
stmt, err := tx.PrepareContext(ctx, sqlStmt)
// defer stmt.Close()
if err != nil {
res, err := stmt.ExecContext(ctx, vals...)
if err != nil {
n, err = res.RowsAffected()
func (tdb *TelemDb) AddEvents(events ...skylab.BusEvent) (int64, error) {
return tdb.AddEventsCtx(context.Background(), events...)
// QueryModifier augments SQL strings.
type QueryModifier interface {
ModifyStatement(*strings.Builder) error
// LimitOffsetModifier is a modifier to support pagniation.
type LimitOffsetModifier struct {
Limit int
Offset int
func (l *LimitOffsetModifier) ModifyStatement(sb *strings.Builder) error {
clause := fmt.Sprintf(" LIMIT %d OFFSET %d", l.Limit, l.Offset)
return nil
// BusEventFilter is a filter for bus events.
type BusEventFilter struct {
Names []string // The name(s) of packets to filter for
StartTime time.Time // Starting time range. All packets >= StartTime
EndTime time.Time // Ending time range. All packets <= EndTime
Indexes []int // The specific index of the packets to index.
// now we can optionally add a limit.
func (tdb *TelemDb) GetPackets(ctx context.Context, filter BusEventFilter, options ...QueryModifier) ([]skylab.BusEvent, error) {
// construct a simple
var whereFrags = make([]string, 0)
// if we're filtering by names, add a where clause for it.
if len(filter.Names) > 0 {
// we have to quote our individual names
names := strings.Join(filter.Names, `", "`)
qString := fmt.Sprintf(`name IN ("%s")`, names)
whereFrags = append(whereFrags, qString)
// TODO: identify if we need a special case for both time ranges
// using BETWEEN since apparenlty that can be better?
// next, check if we have a start/end time, add constraints
if !filter.EndTime.IsZero() {
qString := fmt.Sprintf("ts <= %d", filter.EndTime.UnixMilli())
whereFrags = append(whereFrags, qString)
if !filter.StartTime.IsZero() {
// we have an end range
qString := fmt.Sprintf("ts >= %d", filter.StartTime.UnixMilli())
whereFrags = append(whereFrags, qString)
if len(filter.Indexes) > 0 {
s := make([]string, 0)
for _, idx := range filter.Indexes {
s = append(s, fmt.Sprint(idx))
idxs := strings.Join(s, ", ")
qString := fmt.Sprintf(`idx in (%s)`, idxs)
whereFrags = append(whereFrags, qString)
sb := strings.Builder{}
sb.WriteString(`SELECT ts, name, data from "bus_events"`)
// construct the full statement.
if len(whereFrags) > 0 {
// use the where clauses.
sb.WriteString(" WHERE ")
sb.WriteString(strings.Join(whereFrags, " AND "))
sb.WriteString(" ORDER BY ts DESC")
// Augment our data further if there's i.e a limit modifier.
// TODO: factor this out maybe?
for _, m := range options {
rows, err := tdb.db.QueryxContext(ctx, sb.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer rows.Close()
var events = make([]skylab.BusEvent, 0, 10)
for rows.Next() {
var ev skylab.RawJsonEvent
err := rows.Scan(&ev.Timestamp, &ev.Name, (*[]byte)(&ev.Data))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
BusEv := skylab.BusEvent{
Timestamp: time.UnixMilli(int64(ev.Timestamp)),
Name: ev.Name,
BusEv.Data, err = skylab.FromJson(ev.Name, ev.Data)
if err != nil {
return events, nil
events = append(events, BusEv)
err = rows.Err()
return events, err
// We now need a different use-case: we would like to extract a value from
// a specific packet.
// Datum is a single measurement - it is more granular than a packet.
// the classic example is bms_measurement.current
type Datum struct {
Timestamp time.Time `db:"timestamp" json:"ts"`
Value any `db:"val" json:"val"`
// GetValues queries the database for values in a given time range.
// A value is a specific data point. For example, bms_measurement.current
// would be a value.
func (tdb *TelemDb) GetValues(ctx context.Context, filter BusEventFilter,
field string, opts ...QueryModifier) ([]Datum, error) {
// this fragment uses json_extract from sqlite to get a single
// nested value.
sb := strings.Builder{}
sb.WriteString(`SELECT ts as timestamp, json_extract(data, '$.' || ?) as val FROM bus_events WHERE `)
if len(filter.Names) != 1 {
return nil, errors.New("invalid number of names")
whereFrags := []string{"name is ?"}
if !filter.StartTime.IsZero() {
qString := fmt.Sprintf("ts >= %d", filter.StartTime.UnixMilli())
whereFrags = append(whereFrags, qString)
if !filter.EndTime.IsZero() {
qString := fmt.Sprintf("ts <= %d", filter.EndTime.UnixMilli())
whereFrags = append(whereFrags, qString)
if len(filter.Indexes) > 0 {
s := make([]string, 0)
for _, idx := range filter.Indexes {
s = append(s, fmt.Sprint(idx))
idxs := strings.Join(s, ", ")
qString := fmt.Sprintf(`idx in (%s)`, idxs)
whereFrags = append(whereFrags, qString)
// join qstrings with AND
sb.WriteString(strings.Join(whereFrags, " AND "))
sb.WriteString(" ORDER BY ts DESC")
for _, m := range opts {
if m == nil {
rows, err := tdb.db.QueryxContext(ctx, sb.String(), field, filter.Names[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer rows.Close()
data := make([]Datum, 0, 10)
for rows.Next() {
var d Datum = Datum{}
var ts int64
err = rows.Scan(&ts, &d.Value)
d.Timestamp = time.UnixMilli(ts)
if err != nil {
return data, err
data = append(data, d)
return data, nil
// PacketDef is a database packet model
type PacketDef struct {
Name string
Description string
Id int
type FieldDef struct {
Name string
SubName string
Packet string
Type string
// PacketNotFoundError is when a matching packet cannot be found.
type PacketNotFoundError string
func (e *PacketNotFoundError) Error() string {
return "packet not found: " + string(*e)
// GetPacketDefN retrieves a packet matching the given name, if it exists.
// returns PacketNotFoundError if a matching packet could not be found.
func (tdb *TelemDb) GetPacketDefN(name string) (*PacketDef, error) {
return nil, nil
// GetPacketDefF retrieves the parent packet for a given field.
// This function cannot return PacketNotFoundError since we have SQL FKs enforcing.
func (tdb *TelemDb) GetPacketDefF(field FieldDef) (*PacketDef, error) {
return nil, nil
// GetFieldDefs returns the given fields for a given packet definition.
func (tdb *TelemDb) GetFieldDefs(pkt PacketDef) ([]FieldDef, error) {
return nil, nil