2024-03-04 20:41:15 -06:00

168 lines
3.7 KiB

{{ define "packet" }}
{{- $structName := camelCase .Name true}}
{{- /* generate any bitfield structs */ -}}
{{range .Data -}}
{{ if .Bits -}}
{{- $bfname := (printf "%s%s" $structName (camelCase .Name true)) }}
type {{$bfname}} struct {
{{- range $el := .Bits}}
{{camelCase $el.Name true}} bool `json:"{{$el.Name}}"`
{{- end}}
func (p *{{$bfname}}) MarshalByte() byte {
var b byte
{{- range $idx, $el := .Bits}}
{{- $bitName := camelCase $el.Name true}}
if p.{{$bitName}} {
b |= 1 << {{$idx}}
{{- end}}
return b
func (p *{{$bfname}}) UnmarshalByte(b byte) {
{{- range $idx, $el := .Bits}}
{{- $bitName := camelCase $el.Name true }}
p.{{$bitName}} = (b & (1 << {{ $idx }})) != 0
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
// {{$structName}} is {{.Description}}
type {{$structName}} struct {
{{- range .Data}}
{{- if .Units }}
// {{.Conversion}} {{.Units}}
{{- end }}
{{ .ToStructMember $structName }} `json:"{{.Name}}"`
{{- end}}
{{- if .Repeat }}
// Idx is the packet index. The accepted range is 0-{{.Repeat}}
Idx uint32 `json:"idx"`
{{- end }}
func (p *{{$structName}}) CanId() (can.CanID, error) {
c := can.CanID{Extended: {{.IsExtended}}}
{{- if .Repeat }}
if p.Idx >= {{.Repeat}} {
return c, &UnknownIdError{ {{ printf "0x%X" .Id }} }
c.Id = {{ printf "0x%X" .Id }} + p.Idx
{{- else }}
c.Id = {{ printf "0x%X" .Id }}
{{- end }}
return c, nil
func (p *{{$structName}}) Size() uint {
return {{.CalcSize}}
func (p *{{$structName}}) MarshalPacket() ([]byte, error) {
b := make([]byte, {{ .CalcSize }})
return b, nil
func (p *{{$structName}}) UnmarshalPacket(b []byte) error {
if len(b) != {{.CalcSize}} {
return &BadLengthError{expected: {{.CalcSize}}, actual: uint32(len(b))}
return nil
func (p *{{$structName}}) String() string {
return "{{ .Name }}"
{{ end }}
{{- /* begin actual file template */ -}}
// generated by gen_skylab.go at {{ Time }} DO NOT EDIT!
package skylab
import (
type SkylabId uint32
const (
{{- range .Packets }}
{{camelCase .Name true}}Id SkylabId = {{.Id | printf "0x%X"}}
{{- end}}
// list of every packet ID. Can be used for O(1) checks.
var idMap = map[can.CanID]bool{
{{ range $p := .Packets -}}
{{ if $p.Repeat }}
{{ range $idx := Nx (int $p.Id) $p.Repeat $p.Offset -}}
{ Id: {{ $idx | printf "0x%X"}}, Extended: {{$p.IsExtended}} }: true,
{{ end }}
{{- else }}
{ Id: {{ $p.Id | printf "0x%X" }}, Extended: {{$p.IsExtended}} }: true,
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
// FromCanFrame creates a Packet from a given CAN ID and data payload.
// If the CAN ID is unknown, it will return an error.
func FromCanFrame(f can.Frame) (Packet, error) {
id := f.Id
if !idMap[id] {
return nil, &UnknownIdError{ id.Id }
switch id {
{{- range $p := .Packets }}
{{- if $p.Repeat }}
case {{ $p | idToString -}}:
var res = &{{camelCase $p.Name true}}{}
res.Idx = id.Id - {{$p.Id | printf "0x%X" }}
return res, nil
{{- else }}
case {{ $p | idToString }}:
var res = &{{camelCase $p.Name true}}{}
return res, nil
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
panic("This should never happen. CAN ID didn't match but was in ID map")
func FromJson (name string, raw []byte) (Packet, error) {
switch name {
{{- range $p := .Packets }}
case "{{ $p.Name }}":
var res = &{{camelCase $p.Name true}}{}
err := json.Unmarshal(raw, res)
return res, err
{{- end }}
return nil, errors.New("unknown packet name")
{{range .Packets -}}
{{template "packet" .}}
{{- end}}
// The json representation that was used to generate this data.
// can be used to share the parsing data for i.e dynamic python gui.
const SkylabDefinitions = `{{json . | printf "%s" }}`