saji 68347e8b95
Some checks failed
Go / build (1.21) (push) Failing after 1m6s
Go / build (1.22) (push) Failing after 1m6s
rework DB getters
abandon generic query frag for common structures
Instead of using the QueryFrag struct, which was too generic to be
generally useful, we have moved to a BusEventFilter type, which
contains things we may filter on when we're searching for bus events.
At the moment it just contains names, and start/stop times.
Then in each function we can accept this filter struct and convert
it to fit the query.

We also support general modifiers, and currently have one implemented:
the LimitOffsetModifier. This adds a LIMIT and OFFSET clause to any
statement. these are all applied at the end and receive a stringbuilder
which may prevent certain operations from being structured.
We need to work on this one more, potentially abandoning.
2024-03-01 16:25:33 -06:00

153 lines
3.5 KiB

package db
// this file implements the database functions to load/store/read from a sql database.
import (
_ ""
type TelemDb struct {
db *sqlx.DB
// TelemDbOption lets you customize the behavior of the sqlite database
type TelemDbOption func(*TelemDb) error
// this function is internal use. It actually opens the database, but uses
// a raw path string instead of formatting one like the exported functions.
func openRawDb(rawpath string, options ...TelemDbOption) (tdb *TelemDb, err error) {
tdb = &TelemDb{}
tdb.db, err = sqlx.Connect("sqlite3", rawpath)
if err != nil {
for _, fn := range options {
err = fn(tdb)
if err != nil {
// perform any database migrations
version, err := tdb.GetVersion()
if err != nil {
// TODO: use logging instead of printf
fmt.Printf("starting version %d\n", version)
version, err = RunMigrations(tdb)
fmt.Printf("ending version %d\n", version)
return tdb, err
// this string is used to open the read-write db.
// the extra options improve performance significantly.
const rwDbPathFmt = "file:%s?_journal_mode=wal&mode=rwc&_txlock=immediate&_timeout=10000"
// OpenTelemDb opens a new telemetry database at the given path.
func OpenTelemDb(path string, options ...TelemDbOption) (*TelemDb, error) {
dbStr := fmt.Sprintf(rwDbPathFmt, path)
return openRawDb(dbStr, options...)
func (tdb *TelemDb) GetVersion() (int, error) {
var version int
err := tdb.db.Get(&version, "PRAGMA user_version")
return version, err
func (tdb *TelemDb) SetVersion(version int) error {
stmt := fmt.Sprintf("PRAGMA user_version = %d", version)
_, err := tdb.db.Exec(stmt)
return err
// sql expression to insert a bus event into the packets database.1
const sqlInsertEvent =`INSERT INTO "bus_events" (ts, name, data) VALUES `
// AddEvent adds the bus event to the database.
func (tdb *TelemDb) AddEventsCtx(ctx context.Context, events ...skylab.BusEvent) (n int64, err error) {
// edge case - zero events.
if len(events) == 0 {
return 0, nil
n = 0
tx, err := tdb.db.BeginTx(ctx, nil)
defer tx.Rollback()
if err != nil {
sqlStmt := sqlInsertEvent
const rowSql = "(?, ?, json(?))"
inserts := make([]string, len(events))
vals := []interface{}{}
idx := 0 // we have to manually increment, because sometimes we don't insert.
for _, b := range events {
inserts[idx] = rowSql
var j []byte
j, err = json.Marshal(b.Data)
if err != nil {
// we had some error turning the packet into json.
continue // we silently skip.
vals = append(vals, b.Timestamp.UnixMilli(), b.Data.String(), j)
// construct the full statement now
sqlStmt = sqlStmt + strings.Join(inserts[:idx], ",")
stmt, err := tx.PrepareContext(ctx, sqlStmt)
// defer stmt.Close()
if err != nil {
res, err := stmt.ExecContext(ctx, vals...)
if err != nil {
n, err = res.RowsAffected()
func (tdb *TelemDb) AddEvents(events ...skylab.BusEvent) (int64, error) {
return tdb.AddEventsCtx(context.Background(), events...)
// GetActiveDrive finds the non-null drive and returns it, if any.
func (tdb *TelemDb) GetActiveDrive() (res int, err error) {
err = tdb.db.Get(&res, "SELECT id FROM drive_records WHERE end_time IS NULL LIMIT 1")
func (tdb *TelemDb) NewDrive(start time.Time, note string) {
func (tdb *TelemDb) EndDrive() {
func (tdb *TelemDb) UpdateDrive(id int, note string) {